The idea for Signs of Faith came about soon after moving to the Lancaster County area in 1998. I was particularly amused passing a church sign that read, “Save Gas – Worship Here”. God only knows how many churches the average Lancasterian passes while cruising down the road to their preferred – or mandatory – house of worship each week. There are hundreds of churches from which to choose. It soon became a source of entertainment to read the signs as they changed often. So began the collecting of the quotes. When it came time to lay out the book, I embarked on an absorbing Bible study adventure carefully choosing scripture verses to match the sign quotes.
I originally printed the book in 2003 and took to the streets and local gift shops. I sold over 5,000 and learned a lot doing so. I have not quit my “day job” yet so this endeavor is still on the side. I have reprinted the book several times now, simply restocking so that I could supply the few local places that are still faithful to humor me by selling it.
What’s Next?
This is the next brave step – setup a website and allow the masses to buy my book from the comfort of their living room, smart phone, coffee shop (I’ll take a cafe mocha or herbal tea), or anywhere the internet is available.
I welcome submissions from far and wide for future volumes. Have you seen a great church sign in your town or on your travels? Please share it with me – it just might end up in the next edition and you might end up with credit for the quote along with a free copy of that future book!
Signs of Faith is now available to purchase either in an electronic pdf version or as a paperback that will be shipped to your door.
Pete Beckary
I was born and raised in small Western New York State town which has four seasons and is very familiar with snow. We actually went out to play back then – there were no apps to download. The story of growing up there in the 70’s can be experienced at
Soon after high school I ventured out to the Wild Blue Yonder and served four years in the US Air Force. After that experience I returned to the Rochester area for college, and some work, and some more college. The year 1998 brought me to Lancaster County where I embarked upon a very interesting journey in the PA Dutch Country where I have been given a very unique inside view of the Amish/Mennonite community that so many people travel far and wide to see every year. I have had the privilege of working alongside these folks for nearly twenty years. My first day here I was counting how many buggies I saw, now I am taking photos and notes which I am sharing on this site.
Thanks for taking the time to check this out. Your feedback is ALWAYS welcome by commenting below or email at
One reply on “About”
You have a very good website. Very interesting!